Transforming Ordinary People into Extraordinary Followers of Christ
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The First Christmas Prophecy – 12.22.24

Sunday we look at the first Messianic prophecy. It hints of a human redeemer who will give Satan a mortal wound while sustaining what amounts to a wounded heel. As future revelation unfolded, this prophecy became clearer. This redeemer was born on the first Christmas–his name is Jesus!

Gospel of Mark: The King’s Suffering – 12.8.24

When Pilate asks Jesus directly, “Are you the king of the Jews?” Jesus replies simply, “You say so.” Pilate is amazed that Jesus does not defend himself against this charge!
Later, an angry crowd shouts for the release of Barabbas instead of Jesus. When asked what to do with Jesus, this guilty mob lobbies for the execution of an innocent man, chanting, “Crucify him!”. Little do they know that Jesus is the key to their own divine pardon! Next Jesus will be mocked, scourged and led away to be crucified.

Gospel of Mark: The Abomination of Desolation – 10.27.24

In Sunday’s passage from Mark, Jesus talks about the appearance of an individual who will defile the Jewish temple just prior to His return. But who is this mysterious individual? Pulling together many threads of both Old and New Testament prophetic Scripture, many Biblical scholars have concluded that this person is none other than the end-time Antichrist. Sunday, Pastor Doug sketches out the details of God’s prophetic plan for the future.

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