Transforming Ordinary People into Extraordinary Followers of Christ

Sermons on Psalms (Page 4)

Finding Your Place in God’s KINGDOM: Service – May 30. 2021

Too many of us walk through life without any clear idea of what we were put here to do. We just kind of make it up as we go along, all the while sensing that we are missing something. We’re busy on the outside but feel barren on the inside.

What if you could discover what God has created you to do? Pastor Doug dives into scripture to help us find out!

Easter’s Call: Purity

This week we take a look at the resources to equip us with strategies to live pure lives. We’ll examine Jesus’ temptation in the wilderness and see that God’s Word functions in a very practical way to help us handle life’s trials, difficulties, and temptations. We will look at the depth and complexity of evil, Satan’s evil strategies, and how we can defeat these strategies with Scripture.

Jonah: Perplexing Prophet – Preaching

When it comes to ourselves we all like second chances! This week we dig into the third chapter of Jonah which has been called, ‘The gospel of the second chance’. This chapter shows that God is waiting for us to take advantage of second chances to serve Him and this is truly good news.

The Christian and Politics: The Sovereignty of God over Politics

Now that the election is behind us, are you terrified, overjoyed, or ambivalent? Together let’s remember that God is sovereign over the affairs of men and nations—“God changes the times and the epochs; He removes kings and establishes kings; He gives wisdom to wise men and knowledge to men of understanding.” (Daniel 2:21).

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