Transforming Ordinary People into Extraordinary Followers of Christ

Sermons on Psalms (Page 8)

Tuning Your Life to God’s Word – Psalms Series – Psalm 3 – August 14, 2016

Sermon Summary Psalm 3 was written by someone facing serious trouble: we’re talking career- changing, life-threatening trouble. If ever there was an occasion to pray, this was it. This is the first Psalm that identifies itself as having been written by King David of Israel. King David’s own son, Absalom, had initiated a military coup…

Tuning Your Life to God’s Word – Psalms Series – Psalm 2 – August 7, 2016

Sermon Summary We live in a world that is growing increasingly hostile towards Christianity and its truth claims. Jesus predicted just this kind of opposition (John 15:18-20). Psalm 2 gives us God’s take on how he views the refusal of the world’s nations to acknowledge and submit to his divine authority. King David, the author…

Getting There – Through Time with God in Prayer – Part 4 of 8

Sermon Summary Spending time in prayer is a spiritual discipline that is instrumental to the Christian’s journey to become more like Christ. Prayer is vital to our spiritual health and instrumental to life change. However, if we are honest, many of us view prayer as an optional part of the Christian life. It is something…

Getting There – Through Bible Study – Part 2 of 8

Sermon Summary As followers of Christ, we are trying to become like Jesus. That is God’s will for us. He is our role model. He is the standard against which all humanity is measured. And that is because He is the only person who has ever lived, whose life was perfectly aligned with God’s will.…

Modus Operandi – How God Works In His World – Part 1 of 2: God Uses “Means”

Sermon Summary Each week on the hit TV show NCIS a mystery is solved by figuring out the criminal’s modus operandi, Latin for “method of operation”. God also has an M.O.—a way he typically operates. How does God work in his world? Answering that question will help us pull together what we’ve been learning over…

Behold & Be Dazzled: Our God Needs to Gain Weight!

Sermon Summary Spirituality is flourishing in 21st century America. One Raleigh resident said that raising chickens “is a spiritual endeavor, a powerful daily devotional that has brought me to my knees.” A famous scientist calls thinking about atheistic evolution “a spiritual endeavor, a powerful daily devotional that brings her to her knees”, adding “Science is,…

Got Kids? – Part 3 of 6: Developing a Biblical Philosophy of Parenting

Sermon Summary All parents, either consciously or unconsciously, parent according to their understanding of the the following questions: What is a child’s basic nature? Are they basically other centered or basically selfish? How should parents and children relate to one another? Do parents have the right or responsibility to exercise authority over their children, or…

Got Kids? – Part 2 of 6: The Power of Intentional Parenting

Sermon Summary Of all the responsibilities you will ever have in this life, none is more critical than your responsibilities as a parent. The seeds we sow in our children’s lives will bear fruit for generations to come. The question is, “What kind of fruit will our parenting produce?” Successful parents are mindful of the…

Got Kids? – Part 1 of 6: Children are a Blessing, Not a Burden

Sermon Summary Parenting in the 21st Century is more complicated than it has ever been. With the advent of 24/7 technology, marriages falling apart, a corrupt culture, and other challenges, being a parent can begin to feel like a burden rather than a blessing. The Bible is full of relevant principles that will help us…

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