We look at the church’s mission in the world. What has God called us to do? What does a healthy church look like? What does a disciple in the twenty-first century look like? This is a mission-critical time for our church family!
We look at the church’s mission in the world. What has God called us to do? What does a healthy church look like? What does a disciple in the twenty-first century look like? This is a mission-critical time for our church family!
Jesus was the greatest teacher the world has ever known. To convey spiritual truth he often used parables–stories drawn from everyday life in which he revealed the way of the Kingdom of God. In this series we will look at seven selected parables which, when understood and applied, will transform how you think and how you live.
Whether it’s a minor squabble between your children, or a major tragedy such as a fatal shooting, there’s a need to bring justice to our world—but how? Christians care deeply about issues of injustice and oppression, but get confused about how to be involved.
Old Testament prophets served as the voice of Israel’s conscience. Today we’ll begin a look at the prophet Jonah.
In examining an Old Testament prophecy, we learn three things about Jesus and our world and us…
Even Jesus’ birth evoked violent opposition and that opposition resulted in horrible tragedy. By studying this story we will learn three lessons: (1) Jesus’ entrance into the world evokes opposition, (2) God works in unexpected ways, and (3) the whole Bible is really about Jesus!
Family gatherings often expose strained relationships, taboo topics, and hidden tensions. As a follower of Christ, you can be more than a peacekeeper – you can be a peacemaker.
Now that the election is behind us, are you terrified, overjoyed, or ambivalent? Together let’s remember that God is sovereign over the affairs of men and nations—“God changes the times and the epochs; He removes kings and establishes kings; He gives wisdom to wise men and knowledge to men of understanding.” (Daniel 2:21).
Sermon Summary As Christians, we want to honor God with our lives. We are days away from what is one of the most rancorous election cycles in American history, and so we want to know, “How can we think and act in this moment in a way that honors God?” Many ask: Should preachers even…
In these seemingly increasingly divisive days, where do we get the resolve to get along with those who seem deeply different from us?