Transforming Ordinary People into Extraordinary Followers of Christ

Sermons on Romans (Page 9)

Life In God’s Family – Part 1 of 4: Messy & Marvelous

Sermon Summary Over the past five weeks, we have explored biblical parenting in-depth. It is critical that we consciously receive our children as a gift from God. This is the first step in the parenting process. Next, we must raise our children using a strategic parenting plan based upon biblical principles, being more intentional and…

Because of the Cross – Part 2 of 2: The Mega Mystery of Godliness

Sermon Summary Two weeks ago we celebrated Easter, which commemorates the destruction of death. Is “the destruction of death” an overstatement? Well, in fact, that is precisely the claim which Scripture makes (2 Timothy 1:10; John 5:24-25; 11:25-26). Last week we met an ancient hymn which rehearsed key truths about the true identity of Christ…

Got Kids? – Part 1 of 6: Children are a Blessing, Not a Burden

Sermon Summary Parenting in the 21st Century is more complicated than it has ever been. With the advent of 24/7 technology, marriages falling apart, a corrupt culture, and other challenges, being a parent can begin to feel like a burden rather than a blessing. The Bible is full of relevant principles that will help us…

Transformation: Counseling In Community – Part 1 of 2

Sermon Summary Jesus promised that in this life, we all will have trouble (John 16:33). Your trouble may be an addiction—to alcohol, drugs, pornography, shopping. It may be depression— loss or disappointment has left you in a dark and hopeless place. It could be anger— at your spouse, child, God, or even yourself. Marriage is…

The Book of Judges, Failure Through Compromise – How to Impact Your Culture – Part 2 of 7

Sermon Summary There are churches on every corner—why are we having so little impact in our culture? Over the past fifty years America has experienced a rapid, moral and spiritual decline. It has affected all of us. Consider the Clinton-Lewinski fiasco. The number of Americans who thought adultery was no big deal, as long as…

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