Transforming Ordinary People into Extraordinary Followers of Christ

Sermons by Doug Humphrey (Senior Pastor) (Page 32)

Senior Pastor

God’s Word on Wealth – Stewarding the Resources God has Entrusted to Us – Part 3 of 3 – July 24, 2016

With the PDF link above, download TALKINGPOINTS WALKINGPOINTS, our sermon-based guide for personal Bible Study & Community Group discussion. SERMON SUMMARY Show me the person you honor and respect and I will show you the kind of person you long to become. You can learn a lot about yourself, about your values, by observing who it…

God’s Word on Wealth – Stewarding the Resources God Has Entrusted to Us – Part 2 of 3 – July 17, 2016

With the PDF link above, download TALKINGPOINTS WALKINGPOINTS, our sermon-based guide for personal Bible Study & Community Group discussion. SERMON SUMMARY Last week we focused on the negative side of wealth. We learned that it’s not a sure sign of God’s favor, it can’t bring contentment, and pursuing it as a life goal can take down a…

Getting There – Keep Going – Part 8 of 8

Sermon Summary In our eight-part series “Getting There,” we have stated that the goal of the Christian life is to become more like Jesus Christ in his character and values. To do so, we must imitate his lifestyle, incorporating the spiritual disciplines that he practiced and modeled for his disciples. Today, let’s look at how…

Getting There – Through Fellowship – Part 7 of 8

Sermon Summary Sermon Summary In our journey to become more like Christ, real transformation occurs as we allow God’s life to flow through us as we practice those spiritual disciplines which Jesus taught and modeled. One of these disciplines is Biblical fellowship: a deep relational connecting with other believers that intentionally encourages us to love…

Getting There – Through Service – Part 5 of 8

Sermon Summary As Christ-followers, our destination is to become more like Jesus Christ. We really can become more like our savior as we learn to practice the spiritual disciplines or habits that Jesus himself practiced, and which he taught to his disciples. One of these spiritual disciplines is the habit of service. When it comes…

Getting There – Through Time with God in Prayer – Part 4 of 8

Sermon Summary Spending time in prayer is a spiritual discipline that is instrumental to the Christian’s journey to become more like Christ. Prayer is vital to our spiritual health and instrumental to life change. However, if we are honest, many of us view prayer as an optional part of the Christian life. It is something…

Getting There – Through Bible Study – Part 2 of 8

Sermon Summary As followers of Christ, we are trying to become like Jesus. That is God’s will for us. He is our role model. He is the standard against which all humanity is measured. And that is because He is the only person who has ever lived, whose life was perfectly aligned with God’s will.…

Getting There – Intro – Part 1 of 8

Sermon Summary Most of us are disappointed with how things have turned out in life. We are disappointed that we aren’t smarter, faster, taller, or more gifted. We wish we were more patient, loving, and kind toward others. We long to become better human beings. But to get there, we’ve got to change. The Bible…

Hope Rising – Part 2 of 2: Six Gifts of the Resurrection

Sermon Summary “What happens when you die?” Do you cease to exist? Are you reincarnated in some other form? Is there a heaven and a hell where we will live out eternity either in great bliss or with great dread? There is only one person that is truly qualified to answer that question. His name…

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