Transforming Ordinary People into Extraordinary Followers of Christ

"Prayer" Tagged Sermons (Page 2)

The Mystery of Christmas – A Survival Guide to Dysfunctional Family Christmas – Part 1 – December 10, 2017

SERMON SUMMARY Christmas is widely known as the “most wonderful time of the year” and the “happiest season of all.” We are told again and again that it’s a season of joy, family bonding, and making memories that will last a lifetime. But we live in a fallen world and many things aren’t what they…

1st Timothy – Part 3 – Glorify God in Witness and Worship – June 4, 2017

SERMON SUMMARY Many see in the passage we are going to study today an example of biblically-endorsed gender bias. They accuse the Apostle Paul of being a misogynist—a woman hater. It is true that some have misrepresented and misapplied the biblical teaching with respect to women, as they do in many other areas. However, the…

1st Timothy – Part 2 – Global Prayer for the Local Church – May 28, 2017

SERMON SUMMARY In 1 Timothy 2:1-7, Paul turns his attention from the problem of false teachers to guidelines for God- honoring public worship. According to Paul, we each have a role to fill in God’s household, and each role has responsibilities. Let’s look at some of them. One of our chief responsibilities as Christians is…

The Church Has Left the Building – Part 4 of 6 – Be Bold & Clear About the Gospel

SERMON SUMMARY We’ve been looking at Scripture’s “Great Commandments” and “Great Commission”. The Great Commandments of Scripture are that we love God and others. The Great Commission is that we share God’s love with others around the globe. Jesus linked love, outreach, and prayer (Luke 10:2). What happens next is informative: Jesus told his followers…

Tuning Your Life to God’s Word – Psalms Series – Psalm 3 – August 14, 2016

Sermon Summary Psalm 3 was written by someone facing serious trouble: we’re talking career- changing, life-threatening trouble. If ever there was an occasion to pray, this was it. This is the first Psalm that identifies itself as having been written by King David of Israel. King David’s own son, Absalom, had initiated a military coup…

Getting There – Through Time with God in Prayer – Part 4 of 8

Sermon Summary Spending time in prayer is a spiritual discipline that is instrumental to the Christian’s journey to become more like Christ. Prayer is vital to our spiritual health and instrumental to life change. However, if we are honest, many of us view prayer as an optional part of the Christian life. It is something…

How to Stop Quarreling and Start Loving – Part 10 of 13

Sermon Summary Why do Christians sometimes fight, bicker, and quarrel? Who is to blame, and what are we to do about it? James, Jesus’ half-brother, addresses that very question in James 4:1-10. James asserts that quarrels are sourced in wrong desires. We all have desires, many of which are perfectly legitimate. But at times, when…

The Purpose & Practice of Prayer – Practice of Prayer

Sermon Summary Today, Pastor Doug presented his second message in a two-week miniseries on prayer. He challenged us to give prayer a prominent place in our lives. Although many of us view prayer as an optional part of the Christian life, it should be as natural to us as breathing. From Scripture, we can glean…

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