Transforming Ordinary People into Extraordinary Followers of Christ

"Trust" Tagged Sermons (Page 2)

Faith & Work: An Uneasy Alliance – Work: A Rich Mission Field

Faith & Work: An Uneasy Alliance – Work: A Rich Mission Field –  8 of 8 SERMON SUMMARY One of the most fruitful mission fields is the workplace. We spend a lot of time there; we have friends there, many of whom are not Christians. Think about it…we get paid to spend time alongside men…

Sermon Series: Radical Faith

Radical Faith: Part 5 of 7 – Radical Relationship – February 11, 2018

SERMON SUMMARY As we continue our series on the Hard Sayings of Jesus, we come across a saying so hard that it caused many of Jesus’ followers to walk away. The passage is John 6:53-55, 66 in which Jesus speaks of his followers “eating the flesh of the Son of Man and drinking his blood.”…

Jesus’ Miracles – Meaning for Today – Part 1 Power Over Nature – November 5, 2017

SERMON SUMMARY The Bible is filled with accounts of the miraculous. For the Christian, miracles confirm God’s existence, his power and his message, but the secular world view allows no divine intervention. But if miracles are not possible we should all go home, forget about God, and abandon our faith. Portuguese philosopher Benedict Spinoza best…

Tuning Your Life to God’s Word – Psalms Series – Psalm 3 – August 14, 2016

Sermon Summary Psalm 3 was written by someone facing serious trouble: we’re talking career- changing, life-threatening trouble. If ever there was an occasion to pray, this was it. This is the first Psalm that identifies itself as having been written by King David of Israel. King David’s own son, Absalom, had initiated a military coup…

Hope Rising – Part 2 of 2: Six Gifts of the Resurrection

Sermon Summary “What happens when you die?” Do you cease to exist? Are you reincarnated in some other form? Is there a heaven and a hell where we will live out eternity either in great bliss or with great dread? There is only one person that is truly qualified to answer that question. His name…

The Book of Judges, Failure Through Compromise – Part 4 of 7: Gideon: An Unlikely Hero

Sermon Summary What kind of a person does God use to accomplish his eternal purposes in this world? Jacob, the father of the Israelite nation, was a liar. Joseph, who saved Israel from starvation, was a slave. Moses, who led Israel out of slavery, was a fugitive, a shepherd, and a murderer. God uses ordinary…

Joseph, A Portrait of Character and Grace – Part 7 of 8: A Test of Character Part II

Joseph’s brothers have returned to Egypt to buy food. They have brought their youngest brother Benjamin, as the Prime Minister (Joseph) had required. Joseph invited them to lunch as part of his tests of their character. Joseph seated them in birth order, and shocked, they wondered, “How could he know? Is God orchestrating all of…

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