If you have any questions on how to fill out your commitment Card here is a short excerpt from Pastor Doug’s message that will help you.
Filling Out Your TXC Commitment Card from Triangle Community Church on Vimeo.
Also, check out our Giving Calculator page.
To achieve the Extraordinary Challenge, the entire TCC family, all of us who love this church, will need to commit ourselves fully. It will require sacrificial serving and sacrificial giving. It will require that we step out of our comfort zones and trust God in ways that we have not before. But this God-given vision for the future is worthy of our full engagement!
Meeting The Extraordinary Challenge helps continue and accelerate what we are doing in our church, in our community, and in our world.
Prayerfully consider “stepping up” to a new level of commitment in your giving:
Occasional – I give once in a while and need to establish a giving plan.
Consistent – I give regularly.
Proportionate – I give proportionately to how God has blessed me.
Sacrificial – I give in a way that’s costly to me and requires a lifestyle change.