Transforming Ordinary People into Extraordinary Followers of Christ

Awana is Open for Registration!

Registration is now open!  Awana begins Wednesday, September 4, 2024 with our Ice Cream Kickoff!

You can register your children by opening the “Want to Involve Your Child in Awana” section below, or you can register by clicking on one of the following registrations.

The forms start with parent contact information, but the other questions all pertain to the child.  We want to know their answers to the questions about favorite games, favorite candy, reading the bible, praying, etc.  There are no wrong answers and it helps us know how to serve and teach your children throughout the year!

If you’re interested in volunteering, we’re interested in you!  You can register as an Awana Volunteer by opening the  “Interested in Volunteering in Awana?” section below, or you can register by clicking on this Awana Ministry Volunteer and Cubbie Registration Form.  We need adult and youth leaders to make this a successful ministry!  You will enjoy being a part of spreading the gospel, having fun with the clubbers and changing eternities by serving in Awana!  Just fill out the Volunteer Registration form and try it out!  Be a part of this rewarding ministry!  You’ll be glad you did!

You can find out more information about Awana Clubs at TCC by reading or printing our Awana Club Information Sheet 2024-2025. That sheet will tell you what Awana is all about, when to bring your kids in, when and where to pick them up, costs, etc. The Awana Club Permission Form will also be available at the Welcome Center at TCC in hardcopy form. You may want to bring a checkbook to pay for uniforms, handbooks, and dues as necessary if you don’t pay during registration. The associated costs are located in the Information Sheet.

If you need more information about the Awana Clubs at TCC or if you’d like to contact the Awana Commander before registering to volunteer, please email Mark Wolski.

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