Transforming Ordinary People into Extraordinary Followers of Christ

Sermons on John (Page 10)

Jesus’ Miracles – Meaning for Today – Part 2 Power Over Congenital Illness – November 12, 2017

SERMON SUMMARY In John Chapter 9, Jesus heals a man who has been blind from birth. The disciples wonder why this poor man was born blind, and conclude that this disability must be due to either the man’s parents’ sin or his own sin. Jesus answers, “It was neither that this man sinned, nor his…

Jesus’ Miracles – Meaning for Today – Part 5 Power Over Death – December 3, 2017

SERMON SUMMARY Many of us have lost loved ones to death—family members, friends, members of our church family. And understandably, we grieve that loss. Grief and death go together. But as Christians, our grief should be tempered, because if our loved one died in faith, the Bible assures us that we will see him or…

Jesus’ Miracles – Meaning for Today – Part 1 Power Over Nature – November 5, 2017

SERMON SUMMARY The Bible is filled with accounts of the miraculous. For the Christian, miracles confirm God’s existence, his power and his message, but the secular world view allows no divine intervention. But if miracles are not possible we should all go home, forget about God, and abandon our faith. Portuguese philosopher Benedict Spinoza best…

Reboot: The Reformation at 500 – Continuing the Reformation – Part 6 of 6 – October 1, 2017

SERMON SUMMARY It’s a pleasure to get to join you again as we complete our series celebrating the 500th anniversary of the Reformation. I hope that rediscovering these central tenets of the Christian faith has been as meaningful for you as it has been for me. Today we are going to stop looking back at…

Reboot: The Reformation at 500 – Soli Deo Gloria —Our Only Ambition – Part 5 of 6 – September 24, 2017

SERMON SUMMARY A month ago we began a six-part series which explores an event 500 years ago that recaptured the heart of Christianity. Over the centuries, Christianity had drifted into all kinds of error and abuses. The way of salvation had become hard to find because of false teaching. So a brave Catholic monk named…

Reboot: The Reformation at 500 – Solus Christus — Christ Alone, Our Only Mediator – Part 3 of 6 – September 10, 2017

SERMON SUMMARY Christianity had gotten off-course, and so 500 years ago a brave Catholic monk named Martin Luther nailed to the door of a church a list of 95 abuses. In Luther’s day, church leaders competed against the Scriptures for authority. Today, due to globalization, Christianity is just one of many religious options— each of…

Jesus is Gone: What’s Next – Part 2 of 2 – Get in the Game! – May 7, 2017

SERMON SUMMARY The Bible sometimes uses sports analogies to describe the Christian life (Hebrews 12:1-2; 1 Corinthians 9:24- 27). The Christian life is compared to a race—not a sprint, but a marathon where great endurance is required. God wants us Christians to get off the sidelines and into the game (Ephesians 2:8-10; 1 Peter 4:10).…

The Jesus of Easter – Part 5 – The Advantages of Jesus’ Absence

SERMON SUMMARY World-famous Christian illusionist Andre Kole, who specializes in debunking claims others’ make of having supernatural power, has offered a $1,000,000 prize if he is not able to explain a magic trick. Kole came to faith in Christ as a result of trying to prove that Jesus’ miracles were only trickery. More than any…

The Jesus of Easter – Part 4 – The Relevance of the Resurrection – April 16, 2017

SERMON SUMMARY The central tenant of Christianity is incredible the claim that Jesus of Nazareth was raised from the dead three days after being crucified. But even if it did happen—does it matter? After all, if it did happen, it happened over two thousand years ago! I’m convinced that Jesus’ resurrection speaks to our present…

The Jesus of Easter – Part 2 – Jesus: The True Passover Lamb – April 2, 2017

SERMON SUMMARY Last week, in preparation for Easter, we began an overview of the events that transpired during the last week of Jesus’ life. We covered the main events that transpired from Monday through the Passover meal he celebrated with his disciples on Thursday evening. Jesus transformed the Passover into what we call today “the…

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