Transforming Ordinary People into Extraordinary Followers of Christ

Gospel of Mark (Page 2)

Gospel of Mark: Arguing with God – 10.6.24

Can you imagine arguing with Jesus? In Sunday’s message, Jesus tells a parable condemning the Jews for rejecting both God’s prophets and now his only Son, opening the church to both Jews and Gentiles. In an attempt to put Jesus in his place, the Sadducees try to undermine his authority and popularity by asking him a series of tricky questions—the fail.

The Gospel of Mark: Jesus’ Triumphal Entry – 9.15.24

What began with a joyful procession into Jerusalem became a dark day for Israel. Jesus was rejected by the Jewish leaders. His visit to the temple was the last straw—what should have been a place of prayer had become a place of extortion. Jesus visually declared his judgment on the nation by cursing a fig tree, that, like Israel, should have been fruitful, but remained fruitless and barren.

The Gospel of Mark: The Measure of True Greatness – 8.25.24

All of us want to live lives of significance. We want our lives to count. We want to be somebody! The problem is that our culture tends to shape the kind of somebody we want to become. In Sunday’s message, we see the disciples being influenced by the values of their culture. They wanted to be great. They wanted positions of power in Jesus’ kingdom. To reframe their vision of greatness, Jesus directs them to the cross.

The Gospel of Mark: The Rich Young Ruler – 8.18.24

A rich young ruler asks Jesus what he must do to obtain eternal life. Knowing that the man’s god is his wealth, Jesus challenges him to give his wealth away and follow him. But because the man loves his wealth too much to do as Jesus asks, he goes away sad. This Sunday we talk about the root of this man’s problem, about his false assumptions about Jesus, his wealth, and the route to eternal life.

The Gospel of Mark: Heaven for Those Who Can’t Believe – 8.11.24

Faith in Jesus’ sacrifice guarantees our entrance into heaven, but how does God deal with those who are too young to exercise saving faith or those who are mentally infirm and can’t distinguish good from evil? Pastor Doug uses Sunday’s passage to explore this dilemma.

The Gospel of Mark: Generosity of Spirit – 7.21.24

The disciples encounter someone who is attempting to cast out a demonic spirit in Jesus’ name. They try to stop him because he didn’t belong to their little group. Jesus took this opportunity to teach three lessons: 1. We should have a more accepting ecumenical spirit towards other believers. 2. No sin should be so cherished that it keeps us from God. 3. We should avoid actions that could cause a brother or sister in Christ to stumble in their faith.

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