Transforming Ordinary People into Extraordinary Followers of Christ

"Giving" Tagged Sermons

Spiritual Checkup – 2.2.25

TaLKING POINTS / WALKING POINTS View the sermon summary or dig deeper into the message during the sermon, in your personal Bible study, or with your family or Community Group in application-driven discussion. Application / Challenge In order to grow in 2025, make sure you’re cultivating the following spiritual disciplines: TAKE ONE STEP Each week,…

Spiritual Checkup

SERMON SUMMARY The Christian life is meant to be one of progress and growth. 2 Peter 3:18 says: “Grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.” How can we know if we are making real spiritual progress, and not merely deceiving ourselves with spiritual activity? You are growing as a…

Oikonomics – Part 4: To Tithe or Not to Tithe

4 of 4 SERMON SUMMARY What is God’s plan for supporting the local church? Is tithing the God ordained method of funding the ministry of the local church, or is there another standard we are to use? A “tithe” simply means ten percent. Those who endorse tithing teach that we are to give ten percent…

Financial Freedom

How to Experience Financial Freedom: Part 4 of 4 – Invest Carefully – March 25, 2018

SERMON SUMMARY Today’s message is the fourth in a series of messages entitled “Four Keys to Financial Freedom.” So far, we have discussed three keys: earn money honestly, give money generously, and spend money wisely. The final phase of achieving financial freedom involves having a surplus of money to invest. To have money to invest,…

Financial Freedom

How to Experience Financial Freedom: Part 1 of 4 – Earn Honestly – March 4, 2018

SERMON SUMMARY Today we are beginning a new series of messages entitled “Four Steps to Financial Freedom.” Knowing the truth about money is the key to experiencing financial freedom, and perhaps the most foundational truth God reveals to us is the fact that God is the ultimate owner of all that we possess (Haggai 2:8).…


Sermon Summary As we prepare ourselves today to present our pledges toward our Extraordinary Challenge I am reminded of a similar challenge King David of Israel faced in his day. It occurred to David that while he was living in a luxurious palace, God’s people were still worshiping in what was essentially a big tent. So…

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