Transforming Ordinary People into Extraordinary Followers of Christ

Posts by George (Page 8)

Not My Story – a post from Lanier

I’ve been thinking a lot about storytelling lately. I think as a Pastor, I need to be a good storyteller. It makes sermons better, it makes conversations better, and it models the way Jesus taught. As I’ve been thinking about storytelling, a thought keeps coming back to me. What’s my story? There are a lot…

The Coolest Moment for a Leader

Good evening Fusion family! I’m at a ski resort in West Virginia getting some rest and enjoying my time off! But I felt inspired to write tonight for a few reasons. One is that I miss you guys back in North Carolina, another is that so many amazing things are happening in our community in…

The what and why of Fusion

Fusion is the 18-20somethings ministry at Triangle Community Church, and it has developed in a unique, interesting, and pretty odd way. Here’s the mission statement; designed to reflect all that we’re about: Fusion exists to create producers for the kingdom of God by building and equipping strong communities for college students and young adults in transient…

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