Transforming Ordinary People into Extraordinary Followers of Christ

Sermons (Page 20)

What God Requires: Do Justice, Love Kindness, Walk Humbly: Walk Humbly – June 27, 2021

Today there are multiple, urgent calls for justice, for systemic change—even for revolution!  As Christians, we want to know how to think biblically about these important issues. According to Micah 6:8, God requires that we “do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly”.  What do each of these three concepts involve, how can we apply them…

What God Requires: Do Justice, Love Kindness, Walk Humbly: Love Kindness – June 20, 2021

Today there are multiple, urgent calls for justice, for systemic change—even for revolution!  As Christians, we want to know how to think biblically about these important issues. According to Micah 6:8, God requires that we “do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly”.  What do each of these three concepts involve, how can we apply them…

Finding Your Place in God’s KINGDOM: Service – May 30. 2021

Too many of us walk through life without any clear idea of what we were put here to do. We just kind of make it up as we go along, all the while sensing that we are missing something. We’re busy on the outside but feel barren on the inside.

What if you could discover what God has created you to do? Pastor Doug dives into scripture to help us find out!

Your Work Matters to God – May 16, 2021

If we are to flourish in God’s Kingdom, there are three areas that we need to focus our attention as Christ’s followers: (1) our work, (2) our priorities, and (3) our service. In this three-week series, we’ll give attention to these areas using God’s Word as our guide.

The Power of Promise: Purity – May 2, 2021

This week, we conclude our series examining God’s blueprint for marriage found in Genesis 2:24-25 with the Promise of Purity. Husbands and wives promise each other, “I commit to loving you with the purity of Jesus Christ.” The principle is simple: (1) Wherever sin lives, intimacy dies. (2) Wherever purity lives, intimacy grows! Hear why trust, selflessness, and fidelity are foundational to an intimate, flourishing marriage.

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