Transforming Ordinary People into Extraordinary Followers of Christ

Sermons on 2 Corinthians (Page 5)

Foundations of the Faith – Understanding Forgiveness – Part 8 of 8

Sermon Summary All of us want to live a life of significance. And the only way to assure that is live each day with eternity in view. This life is preparation for roles and responsibilities we will assume in the next life when we will have the opportunity to reign with Christ in the coming…

Foundations of the Faith – The Holy Spirit is Not a Ghost! – Part 6 of 8

Sermon Summary Sermon Summary What mental image do you get of God the Father? Now picture Jesus. Now, try to picture the Holy Spirit. For most of us, it is hard to envision the Holy Spirit. Who is the Holy Spirit? The Holy Spirit is not an it, but a person. He is referred to…

Foundations of the Faith – Jesus – The “Normal” Human Being – Part 4 of 8

Sermon Summary Two thousand years ago an unimpressive looking Jewish blue-collar laborer burst on the scene, claiming to be God. Jesus’ life and ministry, his sinless perfection, and his historically undeniable death and resurrection were so convincing that he was God, that merely fifty years after Jesus walked the earth, some people began doubting that…

The Reason for Hope – Part 3 of 4 – Christmas: A Time for Salvation

SERMON SUMMARY Not only is Christmas a time for celebration and for reconciliation, it is also a time for salvation. When we talk about salvation, we are generally referring to God’s deliverance FROM sin, ourselves, and hell. God offers salvation as a free gift to those who accept Christ (Ephesians 2:8). Our salvation is not…

The Church Has Left the Building – Part 4 of 6 – Be Bold & Clear About the Gospel

SERMON SUMMARY We’ve been looking at Scripture’s “Great Commandments” and “Great Commission”. The Great Commandments of Scripture are that we love God and others. The Great Commission is that we share God’s love with others around the globe. Jesus linked love, outreach, and prayer (Luke 10:2). What happens next is informative: Jesus told his followers…

Eclipsed – The Mystery Revealed – Ephesians 2 – Part 2 of 6

Sermon Summary Last week we begin a six-part series on the New Testament Book of Ephesians—a book that begins with a glorious list of God’s blessings and a peek at his glorious attributes. But Ephesians also warns us about a real character named Satan. He rebelled against the Lord of Glory, and cast this world…

Book of James – A Prologue: My Big Brother

Sermon Summary Last Sunday we completed a 13-part series on the New Testament book written by and bearing the name of Jesus’ little brother, James. We’ve all heard the phrase, “Seeing is believing.”, but James thoroughly disproves it. James spent more than 30 years seeing perfection—watching Jesus “up close and personal”—and yet he was a…

Life In God’s Family – Part 3 of 4: Circles of Help

Sermon Summary When faced with obstacles in our growth in Christlikeness, God has given us five “circles of help” to enable us to grow in godliness. Circle #1: We are to discipline ourselves for godliness (1 Timothy 4:7). Here at TCC, we continually urge you to discipline yourselves for godliness. Our membership application makes it…

Spiritual Checkup

Sermon Summary The Christian life is meant to be one of progress and growth. 2 Peter 3:18 says: “Grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.” How can we know if we are making real spiritual progress, and not merely deceiving ourselves with spiritual activity? You are growing as a…

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