Transforming Ordinary People into Extraordinary Followers of Christ

Sermons on Genesis (Page 6)

Joseph, A Portrait of Character and Grace – Part 7 of 8: A Test of Character Part II

Joseph’s brothers have returned to Egypt to buy food. They have brought their youngest brother Benjamin, as the Prime Minister (Joseph) had required. Joseph invited them to lunch as part of his tests of their character. Joseph seated them in birth order, and shocked, they wondered, “How could he know? Is God orchestrating all of…

Joseph, A Portrait of Character and Grace – Part 5 of 8: Awakening a Seared Conscience

Series Summary: While he never did anything that we would normally associate with Biblical greatness—he never performed a miracle, he never slew a giant; he never saw a burning bush. Nevertheless Joseph was a great man. In his life we see a unique and powerful portrait of character and grace. In reviewing his story we…

Joseph, A Portrait of Character & Grace – Part 4 of 8: Man of Faith and Integrity

Series Summary: While he never did anything that we would normally associate with Biblical greatness—he never performed a miracle, he never slew a giant; he never saw a burning bush. Nevertheless Joseph was a great man. In his life we see a unique and powerful portrait of character and grace. In reviewing his story we…

Joseph, A Portrait of Character & Grace – Part 3 of 8: From the Prison to the Palace

Series Summary: While he never did anything that we would normally associate with Biblical greatness—he never performed a miracle, he never slew a giant; he never saw a burning bush. Nevertheless Joseph was a great man. In his life we see a unique and powerful portrait of character and grace. In reviewing his story we…

Joseph, A Portrait of Character & Grace – Part 2 of 8: Steadfast When Tempted

Series Summary: While he never did anything that we would normally associate with Biblical greatness—he never performed a miracle, he never slew a giant; he never saw a burning bush. Nevertheless Joseph was a great man. In his life we see a unique and powerful portrait of character and grace. In reviewing his story we…

Joseph, A Portrait of Character & Grace – Part 1 of 8: Favored Son, Hated Brother

Series Summary: While he never did anything that we would normally associate with Biblical greatness—he never performed a miracle, he never slew a giant; he never saw a burning bush. Nevertheless Joseph was a great man. In his life we see a unique and powerful portrait of character and grace. In reviewing his story we…

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