THE 5:14 JOURNEY STRATEGY SUMMARY Galatians 5:14 teaches us that: “The whole law can be summed up in this one command: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ ” What is “The 5:14 Journey”? Christians are called to love our neighbors. Our vision is to constantly and continually build redemptive relationships with our neighbors. A “neighbor” is…
THE 5:14 JOURNEY STRATEGY SUMMARY “The 5:14 Journey—Take the Next Step” Galatians 5:14 teaches us that: “The whole law can be summed up in this one command: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ ” What is “The 5:14 Journey”? Christians are called to love our neighbors. Our vision is to constantly and continually build redemptive relationships…
THE 5:14 JOURNEY STRATEGY SUMMARY “The 5:14 Journey—Take the Next Step” Galatians 5:14 teaches us that: “The whole law can be summed up in this one command: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ ” What is “The 5:14 Journey”? Christians are called to love our neighbors. Our vision is to constantly and continually build redemptive relationships…
SERMON SUMMARY The Bible has a lot to say about what we do with our appetites. And probably the most famous example comes from Genesis 25, the story of Jacob and Esau. While in their mother Rebekah’s womb, “the babies jostled each other within her.” There was a battle going on between Jacob and Esau…
SERMON SUMMARY Today we finish our series on the life of King David. As we have discovered, David was an incredible leader and valiant warrior and he had a real heart for God! But David came from a dysfunctional family, and some of that dysfunction followed him when he grew up and established his own…
SERMON SUMMARY David is a study in contrasts. He was a man after God’s own heart, but like us, he was capable of great sin. Adultery, murder, deception—the list goes on and on. But from this story about David and Bathsheba we also learn that God pursues us to forgive and restore (2 Samuel 11).…
SERMON SUMMARY In this message. we find David on the run as Saul seeks to end his life. From this period in David’s life, we learn about the importance trusting God when we find ourselves in a place, we didn’t choose. David had become a great military general. As a result of his military successes,…
SERMON SUMMARY In this message we discover the source of David’s courage in facing the Philistine giant named Goliath. David’s courage in the face of overwhelming odds challenges us to courageously defend God’s honor in a deteriorating culture. These are not fairy tales. They really happened—you can visit these places today. These Bible stories weren’t…
SERMON SUMMARY This is the first of a five-week series of messages on the life of King David. We are going to begin our examination of David’s life when he was just a young boy. In 1 Samuel 16:1, we see that God rejected Saul as King of Israel, and he instructed the prophet Samuel…
SERMON SUMMARY Today we wrap up our series, “Jesus Outside The Lines”. In week one, we looked at how a proper understanding of grace causes us to view the world around us not as morally inferior or unenlightened, but as people who, like us, are candidates for God’s grace. The next week we talked about…