Transforming Ordinary People into Extraordinary Followers of Christ

Sermons on 1 Peter (Page 5)

Faith & Work – Work: An Uneasy Alliance – It’s All About Your Attitude

Faith & Work – Work: An Uneasy Alliance – It’s All About Your Attitude – 5 of 8  SERMON SUMMARY Let’s talk about some critical perspectives from the Book of Colossians which apply to our work life. You may be a stay at home mom or dad, a student, or the president of a company.…

Questions & Answers – Part 3 of 4 – Why does God allow bad things to happen? – September 23, 2018

SERMON SUMMARY Three weeks ago Pastor Lanier kicked off a new, four-part series called “Questions & Answers”. We’re shining a light on this important subject of “worldview”. In our first installment, Lanier helped us answer that foundational question, “How can we know what’s true?” Next we considered whether science has made God obsolete. If you…

Life of David Sermon Series

Life of David: Part 1 of 5 – His Life as a Shepherd Boy – May 6, 2018

SERMON SUMMARY This is the first of a five-week series of messages on the life of King David. We are going to begin our examination of David’s life when he was just a young boy. In 1 Samuel 16:1, we see that God rejected Saul as King of Israel, and he instructed the prophet Samuel…

Reboot: The Reformation at 500 – Soli Deo Gloria —Our Only Ambition – Part 5 of 6 – September 24, 2017

SERMON SUMMARY A month ago we began a six-part series which explores an event 500 years ago that recaptured the heart of Christianity. Over the centuries, Christianity had drifted into all kinds of error and abuses. The way of salvation had become hard to find because of false teaching. So a brave Catholic monk named…

Reboot: The Reformation at 500 – Sola Scriptura —Our Only Foundation – Part 2 of 6 – September 3, 2017

SERMON SUMMARY Over the centuries, Christianity got off-course. What started out as a shockingly simple story of God’s “search and rescue mission” of sinful humanity became an elaborate maze of man-made rules and regulations. Five hundred years ago a reformation of Christianity began. At the time, individuals such as you and I were not allowed…

1st Timothy – Part 3 – Glorify God in Witness and Worship – June 4, 2017

SERMON SUMMARY Many see in the passage we are going to study today an example of biblically-endorsed gender bias. They accuse the Apostle Paul of being a misogynist—a woman hater. It is true that some have misrepresented and misapplied the biblical teaching with respect to women, as they do in many other areas. However, the…

Jesus is Gone: What’s Next – Part 2 of 2 – Get in the Game! – May 7, 2017

SERMON SUMMARY The Bible sometimes uses sports analogies to describe the Christian life (Hebrews 12:1-2; 1 Corinthians 9:24- 27). The Christian life is compared to a race—not a sprint, but a marathon where great endurance is required. God wants us Christians to get off the sidelines and into the game (Ephesians 2:8-10; 1 Peter 4:10).…

Jesus is Gone: What’s Next? – Part 1 of 2 – Resetting Expectations of the Church – April 30, 2017

SERMON SUMMARY 1. Our lives are shaped by our expectations. Shaped by the Old Testament, the disciples expected God quickly to bring in a physical, national kingdom of Israel with a victorious, messianic ruler who would squash all Gentile opposition. The disciples expected and wanted one thing, but Jesus had something else in mind. False…

The Jesus of Easter – Part 5 – The Advantages of Jesus’ Absence

SERMON SUMMARY World-famous Christian illusionist Andre Kole, who specializes in debunking claims others’ make of having supernatural power, has offered a $1,000,000 prize if he is not able to explain a magic trick. Kole came to faith in Christ as a result of trying to prove that Jesus’ miracles were only trickery. More than any…

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