Transforming Ordinary People into Extraordinary Followers of Christ

Posts by George (Page 7)

Keeping it Casual- a post from Anna Grace

We have become awash with the “keeping it casual” mentality. It’s not just our hook-up culture. It spills over into the objectification of others via various social media and it spills into social circles that are a mile wide and an inch deep. But what’s really tragic is when it spills into the Christian’s relationship…

Stress is counterproductive

College students are probably the most stressed out people in the universe, but I don’t have to tell you all that. Everyone knows someone who is so high strung and stressed out that they always seem to be on the verge of a mental breakdown. And if you don’t know someone like that, then you’re…

Knowing your city

Exiles in foreign cities In the opening verses of 1 Peter, Peter describes us (Christians) as exiles. We are exiles in foreign worlds, and these worlds are not our true home. We need to know how to live as exiles in Raleigh, Chapel Hill, Boone, Charlotte, and elsewhere. Fortunately, God has sent his people into…

Joy before ritual – a post from Gwen Howell

Last night I was reading in Mark 2 and I came across Mark 2:18-22 18 Now John’s disciples and the Pharisees were fasting. And people came and said to him, “Why do John’s disciples and the disciples of the Pharisees fast, but your disciples do not fast?” 19 And Jesus said to them, “Can the wedding guests fast while the bridegroom is…

Missional living – a post from Noah

2016 has been was a huge year for me.  My faith didn’t mean much to me at the beginning of the year.  I really wasn’t living for God at all back in January.  Evangelism and learning what it means to share my faith have completely changed that. After the holidays of 2015 rolled by, I…

Some ideas for building community on campus

  Hey Fusion family! Christ-centered community is important, and as many of us are starting a new semester, I thought I might offer some advice for building that community on campus. 1. Have purposeful conversations about this with other believers Talk meaningfully with other Christians about finding and creating this kind of deep, enriching community.…

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