Transforming Ordinary People into Extraordinary Followers of Christ

Sermons on 1 John (Page 3)

Growing God’s Way – Through Fellowship

SERMON SUMMARY 1 Corinthians 1:9 When many of us think of “fellowship”, we envision what happened in millions of American homes last Sunday—things such as Super Bowl parties. Food, friends, fun. And to be honest, that is a sort of fellowship—a friendly relationship centered around some common interest. But the Bible points to an obstacle…

Kingdoms in Conflict – Part 2 of 2

2 of 2 SERMON SUMMARY Last week Pastor Doug began a two-part series called “Kingdoms in Conflict”. Ever since sin entered the world, Satan has been the ruler of the cosmos. There are only two kingdoms, with vastly different values and agendas—and there’s no neutrality. Every person on earth has allegiance to one kingdom or…

Kingdoms in Conflict – Part 1 of 2: Cosmos Chaos

SERMON SUMMARY We recently concluded a study of 1st Peter which is an important book for the church today because in it Peter warns Christians not to be surprised by cultural pushback. Biblically informed Christians shouldn’t be surprised by this, because the Bible reveals that there is an invisible spiritual world that is just as…

1 Peter – 1 Peter 3:8-12 – A Profile of Christian Maturity

1 Peter – 1 Peter 3:8-12 – 8 of 18 SERMON SUMMARY The process of growing up can be painful. There are ups and downs along the way, and from time to time, we skin a knee or bloody a nose from falling on our faces. “Growing up” is the objective of the Christian life…

3 Days: Living in the Shadow of the Resurrection – The Day God Died

Living in the Shadow of the Resurrection – The Day God Died – 2 of 4 SERMON SUMMARY Jesus had not eaten since the Passover meal he ate with his disciples nearly fourteen hours earlier. Consider Jesus’ physical and emotional condition: he’d been up all night and had endured six emotionally draining trials. He’d been punched and scourged (Matthew 26:67; John…

Sanctity of Life

Sanctity of Life SERMON SUMMARY Abortion is a controversial topic, a painful topic. In our society it is inevitable that some will be offended. I know that, and that is surely not my desire. The alternative is not to bring it up—yet it’s too important to ignore. My prayer is that out of any hurt…

Questions & Answers – Part 3 of 4 – Why does God allow bad things to happen? – September 23, 2018

SERMON SUMMARY Three weeks ago Pastor Lanier kicked off a new, four-part series called “Questions & Answers”. We’re shining a light on this important subject of “worldview”. In our first installment, Lanier helped us answer that foundational question, “How can we know what’s true?” Next we considered whether science has made God obsolete. If you…

Jesus Outside the Lines Sermon Series

Jesus Outside the Lines: Part 4 of 4 – Pursue the “Other” – April 29, 2018

SERMON SUMMARY Today we wrap up our series, “Jesus Outside The Lines”. In week one, we looked at how a proper understanding of grace causes us to view the world around us not as morally inferior or unenlightened, but as people who, like us, are candidates for God’s grace. The next week we talked about…

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