Transforming Ordinary People into Extraordinary Followers of Christ

Sermons on Ephesians (Page 8)

Principled Parenting In the Real World – Part 1 – What Are We Trying To Do – October 8, 2017

SERMON SUMMARY What is the goal of Christian parenting? It is critical that we know what it is we are trying to do. Without a clear goal, our parenting efforts will lack direction and focus. Principle #1: The Bible teaches that our goal should be for our children to become like Jesus (Galatians 4:19, Ephesians…

Reboot: The Reformation at 500 – By Grace Through Faith – Part 4 of 6 – September 17, 2017

SERMON SUMMARY October 31st, just a few weeks away, marks the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation, the event that sparked a “reboot” of Christianity. The first, most foundational of those truths is “Sola Scriptura”—Scripture alone is our source of truth. The second question the Reformers addressed was, “What does God reveal in his Word…

1st Timothy – Part 11 of 13 – August 6, 2017

SERMON SUMMARY Paul has previously given Pastor Timothy instructions about the treatment of widows and church leaders. In the opening verses of Chapter 6, he turns his attention to how slaves should relate to their masters. Paul’s chief concern in addressing the issue of slavery in the Roman Empire was that God be glorified and…

Jesus is Gone: What’s Next – Part 2 of 2 – Get in the Game! – May 7, 2017

SERMON SUMMARY The Bible sometimes uses sports analogies to describe the Christian life (Hebrews 12:1-2; 1 Corinthians 9:24- 27). The Christian life is compared to a race—not a sprint, but a marathon where great endurance is required. God wants us Christians to get off the sidelines and into the game (Ephesians 2:8-10; 1 Peter 4:10).…

Jesus is Gone: What’s Next? – Part 1 of 2 – Resetting Expectations of the Church – April 30, 2017

SERMON SUMMARY 1. Our lives are shaped by our expectations. Shaped by the Old Testament, the disciples expected God quickly to bring in a physical, national kingdom of Israel with a victorious, messianic ruler who would squash all Gentile opposition. The disciples expected and wanted one thing, but Jesus had something else in mind. False…

The Jesus of Easter – Part 4 – The Relevance of the Resurrection – April 16, 2017

SERMON SUMMARY The central tenant of Christianity is incredible the claim that Jesus of Nazareth was raised from the dead three days after being crucified. But even if it did happen—does it matter? After all, if it did happen, it happened over two thousand years ago! I’m convinced that Jesus’ resurrection speaks to our present…

Foundations of the Faith – Understanding Forgiveness – Part 8 of 8

Sermon Summary All of us want to live a life of significance. And the only way to assure that is live each day with eternity in view. This life is preparation for roles and responsibilities we will assume in the next life when we will have the opportunity to reign with Christ in the coming…

Foundations of the Faith – The Holy Spirit is Not a Ghost! – Part 6 of 8

Sermon Summary Sermon Summary What mental image do you get of God the Father? Now picture Jesus. Now, try to picture the Holy Spirit. For most of us, it is hard to envision the Holy Spirit. Who is the Holy Spirit? The Holy Spirit is not an it, but a person. He is referred to…

Foundations of the Faith – God is Absolutely in Control – Part 5 of 8

Sermon Summary We live in a painful, confusing world with way too much evil and injustice; how can we make sense of it? Believers have a hard time reconciling all the pain and evil in the world and the existence of God. Does God cause or allow these evils? What are the theological implications if…

It’s Time for Your Spiritual Checkup!

Sermon Summary The Christian life is meant to be one of progress and growth. 2 Peter 3:18 says: “Grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.” How can we know if we are making real spiritual progress, and not merely deceiving ourselves with spiritual activity? You are growing as a…

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